About Naprapathy

nuh·prap·uh·thee [nuh-prap-uh-thee]
a system or method of treating disease that employs no medications but uses manipulation of muscles, joints, ligaments, etc., to stimulate the natural healing process.

Naprapathic treatments are safe, gentle, and an effective way to promote healing at a faster rate.

Altering the following:

Soft tissue and spinal manipulation:
Gentle manipulation and mobilization of muscles and related soft tissue surrounding the spine and throughout the body.

Physiological Therapeutics & Modalities:
Theraputic agents can include:

  • Electro-stimulation Therapy
  • Ultrasound
  • Traction
  • Moist Heat
  • Cupping
  • Kinesio Taping®
  • Rehabilitative Exercises
  • Theraputic Exercises

Conditions Often Treated by Naprapathic Medicine?

Back Pain Neck/Shoulder Pain
Sciatica Stress Tension
Migraines Herniated Discs
Bursitis/Tendonitis Workplace Injuries
Fibromyalgia Chronic Fatigue
Sports Injuries Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries
Carpal Tunnel Spinal Misalignments
Pre & Post-Surgical Care Nutritional Counseling
  • Coming Soon

    In 2021: New office in ANGEL FIRE.

  • New Mexico State Employee?

    Are you a New Mexico state employee? Naprapathic treatments are a fully covered benefit for all New Mexico state employees.
  • Testimonials

    "Years of sports, combined with my job (lots of desk work, punctuated by stints of repeated, heavy lifting) left me with a typical amount of back and joint pain. For me, massage was always too expensive, and a chiropractor seemed to aggressive...

    In Naprapathy, I've found a terrific balance of massage, physical therapy, and chiropractic technique, and I feel better than I have in years." -Hosho McCreesh

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